
Green Rail Route

Activity: Site construction

Start date: 30th September 2024

End date: 30th April 2026

We are creating a railway works compound in support of improvements to the existing Sizewell Branch Line (SIZ), Level Crossings, Signalling and the construction of the Green Rail Route.

The Green Rail Route will be a temporary new railway to enable deliveries of materials directly to the main site as part of our strategy to deliver 60% of materials via rail and sea. This will be removed once the power station has been constructed to the main site A map of the site is enclosed. The improved SIZ will remain as part of the Network Rail infrastructure

You may have already seen some of our workers on site preparing the site for phases one and two.

Phase 1 – Temporary compound for advance works

We are constructing a temporary compound to enable archaeology to commence on site prior to the construction of the rail works.

The compound will consist of car parking along with the welfare and storage facilities needed for the archaeology works. This will also include creating an access point onto the site from Buckleswood Road, for which some vegetation clearance will be required.

Archaeology will commence at the end of September 2024 and is expected to last for 12 weeks.

Once complete, the archaeology compound will be removed, and we will then move onto phase 2.


Phase 2 – Main compound, main project office for the rail team

The compound for the rail works will begin construction in December 2024. The compound will consist of modular office space, welfare facilities, and space for car parking and storage of plant and equipment required to construct the railway. The compound will be in place until the railway is operational, at which point it will be removed. We expect the construction of the compound to be completed by March 2025 and for it to be removed by April 2026.

There will be approximately 30 workers on site for the construction of the compound. The working hours will be Monday – Saturday 07:00–19:00 (7am-7pm). Where possible, noisy works will be avoided on Saturdays between 13:00 and 19:00 hours (1pm-7pm).

As part of our mitigation against noise and visual disturbance, we will create a bunding around the perimeter of the compound which will be planted.

All HGV’s going to site will follow the approved route of A12, B1122, Waterloo Avenue, Saxmundham Road over Saxmundham level crossing following the road to Buckleswood Road.

During the construction and occupation of the compound, security officers will be on site at all times (24 hours a day).

We would like to apologise in advance of any inconvenience caused. We assure you that we will take all steps necessary to minimise the impact of this work.