
Land East of Eastlands Industrial Estate (LEEIE)

Activity: Traffic Management

Start date: 30th October 2023

End date: 12th January 2024

We are undertaking preparatory works to ensure that Sizewell C and associated developments can be built as safely and efficiently as possible.

As part of this preparation, Sizewell C has acquired the land east of Eastlands Industrial Estate, off King George’s Avenue and Lovers Lane  (known locally as Big Field & Little Field), where we plan to provide office accommodation, sidings for the Green Rail Route, and a caravan park when the project commences.

A bell-mouth entrance on to the LEEIE onto King George’s Avenue has been created, followed by ground preparation work to lay the tarmac for the entrance. There will traffic management in place to maintain the safety of the public and workers.

Preparatory works are now underway to create foundations for temporary office accommodation. These works will be the foundation of the development of the LEEIE ahead of the installation of the office and welfare facilities.

Temporary traffic lights will be in place while this area is under construction.

All necessary works will be carried out under supervision of an Ecological Clerk of Works, including surveys for nesting birds, bats and badgers, which will be carried out in accordance with protected species licence conditions where they apply.