AIL movements in relation to the Sizewell C Project. Updated 5 February On Tuesday 4 February, there are four wide load movements planned. The first two loads will be delivering a bulldozer and plant machinery to the to the Main Development Site. These loads are expected to arrive at 11:00 am. These will be police…
From The Environment Agency: The Environment Agency shares permit applications and consultations online here: Nuclear consultations – Environment Agency – Citizen Space Three construction site permit applications are now live on and are open for comment on CitizenSpace.
AIL movements in relation to the Sizewell C Project. Updated 27 January. On Monday 27 January, there are three wide load movements planned. Two loads will be delivering articulated dump trucks to the two-village by-pass compound. These loads are expected to arrive at 09:00 am and 12:00 noon. These will be police escorted. These loads…
BT Openreach will be conducting work on their infrastructure ahead of the works to create the Two Village Bypass. These works will take place from 27 January – 4 April 2025. As a result, there will be a temporary speed limit of 40mph and a lane closure on the A12 to enable the works to…