AIL movements in relation to the Sizewell C Project. On Monday 16 September, there are three wide load movements planned. The first load will be traveling to Wild Aldhurst Farm, delivering an articulated dump truck. This will arrive at 11:00 am and will be police escorted This load will follow the designated route to and…
AIL movements in relation to the Sizewell C Project. Updated 10 September 2024. On Monday 9 September, there are six wide load movements planned. These loads will be low loaders delivering plant to the Temporary Construction Area and Main Construction Area. They are expected to arrive at 9:00am, 11:00am, 12:00 and 13:00pm and will be…
We are working on the shoreline close to Sizewell C to create a new footpath. The existing path will remain open until the new path is open. Public access to the beach and coastal path will not be affected. As part of the Development Consent Order to build Sizewell C, we will divert the coastal…
New speed limit changes on the B1122 come into effect on 20 May 2024. Sizewell C recently completed initial resurfacing works on the B1122, and we are now progressing with speed limit reductions to further improve safety and reduce noise and vibration in advance of the Sizewell Link Road being built. The 30mph speed limit…