
Wetland habitat scheme

Activity: Ecological work

Start date: 19th September 2022

End date: 1st September 2023

Sizewell C is establishing a new area of wetland habitat on the Sizewell estate for marsh harriers and a range of other species.

The creation of a new wetland habitat near Lower Abbey Farm, to the north of the temporary construction site, is in the advance stages of construction.

We currently have road traffic management in place on Eastbridge Lane to safely manage the construction traffic from the habitat onto Eastbridge Lane. This will be in place until the works on the site are complete, which is due to be completed during the summer 2023. Please look out for further updates.

This site, which is in the vicinity of Lower Abbey Farm in Leiston, has been chosen for its proximity to the marsh harrier nesting area at RSPB Minsmere. It is adjacent to those parts of the Minsmere South Levels most heavily used by foraging marsh harriers.

The project will see the creation of about 4.52 ha of high-quality wetland habitat comprising a mosaic of wet reedbed incorporating 20-30% open-water and 1km of lowland ditch habitat in a single groundwater fed basin that supports a characteristic assemblage of vascular wetland plant and animal species.

Some permissive paths within this area are closed to the public for safety reasons.  Please see the Bridleway 19 and Permissive Walks – Updated Route Map for further route information.