Benhall, Farnham with Stratford St Andrew

Fen meadow habitat creation

Activity: Traffic Management

Start date: 25th September 2023

End date: 30th November 2023

Sizewell C is establishing a new area of Fen Meadow east of Friday Street in Benhall & Sternfield to create compensatory fen meadow habitat for a variety of species.

To compensate for a small area of Sizewell Marshes needed during construction we are planning to deliver substantially larger areas of compensatory habitat at off-site locations in Benhall, Pakenham, and Halesworth. We are rewilding areas that were once low grade arable land to create a mosaic of heathland, scrub, woodland, wetland and fen meadows.

As part of this work, we will be excavating soil which will be removed and taken to the Sizewell C site. The HGVs carrying the soil will be turning right out of the site, onto the A1094, heading west towards the Friday Street Junction. To facilitate the HGVs safely turning temporary traffic lights are installed during working hours. These are operated by a banksman and are removed from the road outside of working periods.

The HGVs carrying this soil will be turning right from the A1094 Friday Street junction, heading north on the A12 and then proceeding along the B1122 to the Sizewell C site. To facilitate safety with HGVs turning at this junction, a temporary speed limit of 40mph with average speed cameras has been implemented on the A12 north of Farnham.